If I Need a Total Knee Replacement, What Are My Options?

The information provided below is meant to educate the patient about the options available to knee replacement candidates. Ultimately your surgeon will make these decisions. Your doctor should explain to you which knee replacement is best for you and why. When a surgeon considers a patient for a total knee replacement, she takes into account the patient's age, lifestyle, and damage to the joint. In addition, a surgeon's decision to use one procedure over another, or one type of implant over another, often depends on that surgeon's training and clinical situation. Each implant design has advantages and disadvantages, but whichever implant your surgeon decides to go with, it's good to know that total knee replacement surgeries offer among the greatest success rates of all orthopedic operations. Nevertheless, we advise you to research your options so that you can intelligently discuss with your surgeon what approach will be best for you. What happens in knee rep...